About Bioenergy Balancing

person about to touch the calm water

How Does Bioenergy Balancing Work?

In our healing sessions, we give your body a "voice," allowing you to access the insight, intelligence and wisdom of your body consciousness. 

Assisted by intuitive input and spirit helpers, we communicate with the "silent partner" of your body to discover the basis for physical symptoms, recurrent emotional patterns, past traumas, allergies, decisions and outdated beliefs. "Bio" relates to your biology, and "energy" relates to the invisible template that precedes and governs all of your functions.

Bioenergy Balancing is a healing arts discipline combining Western medical principles of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry with Eastern concepts of chi (body energy) and the meridian/chakra systems through which bioenergy flows.

Our practice unites these systems with traditional shamanic practice and body-centered psychotherapy, allowing healing change to occur from the inside out.

Why Choose Bioenergy Balancing?

• Release emotional and physical blocks
• Let go of tension and reduce stress
• Free yourself of limiting habits and beliefs
• Heal the effects of past traumas
• Get unstuck and get moving
• Know yourself more deeply
• Alleviate depression and anxiety
• Clear persistent allergies
• Determine which nutritional supplements enhance your health and well being

Initial Sessions

Your first session is usually two hours long. We will ask you to complete a symptom survey so that we can get a clear picture of how your energy patterns show up physically, emotionally and in the details of your life. We spend time talking, so that we can get to know you and focus on your key concerns. As we talk, we compile a list of your concerns and symptoms. When we work in person, we have you remove your shoes and lie comfortably on a massage table, face-up, fully clothed.

When we are working over the phone, we ask you to rest in a comfortable, quiet place where you can feel peaceful and safe. (it's okay if you cat or dog wants to join in and rest on your tummy.) We spend a brief period of quiet time, gathering and grounding. Then we ask your body-consciousness yes or no questions through muscle testing. We use the list of issues and concerns we compiled together to see how your body wants to begin. It may choose to start on what seems like a small issue and other times it is ready to talk about your most important concerns. We respectfully follow your body's lead.

Follow-Up Sessions

Follow-up sessions, as needed, are around an hour-and-a-half long. Some clients like to do a series of sessions, once a month for a short while, then shift as needed to every-other-month, or quarterly maintenance sessions. Other clients call us on an as-needed basis. If you're not sure when to come in next, we can muscle test and ask your body consciousness what it would like to do.

Phone Sessions

We are "seeing" clients via phone sessions these days. During a phone session, we bring in your energetic body and work as if you were here in person. Historically, our clients in other cities and countries have found this method to be very effective, and even local clients who were ill or healing from surgery or injuries preferred to work over the phone. It adds a measure of safety, as well as eliminates the need to travel anywhere. Definitely more restful! We can be right here, together, and work deeply and well.


Our session fees are $180 per hour. We accept credit cards, checks and cash. To make an appointment,  email [email protected], or call (415) 924-6516.

Cancellation Policy

Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time specifically for you, a minimum of 48 hours notice is required for re-scheduling or canceling an appointment. Unless we reach a different agreement, the full fee will be charged for sessions missed without such notification.